
The First Telephone


The first telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell and his assistant Thomas A. Watson. In the 1900s a farmer in Gratiot, Wisconsin took apart the telephone to see how it worked but when the carbon started to spill he thought he could replace it with gun powder. But the instant he put the gun powder in the phone, the telephone blew up!!

The First Telephone Call." Web. 1997
"Who Invented The Telephone." Web. 2003.

Alexander Graham Bell

The first telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell and one of his quotes that he said was “Leave the beaten track occasionally and dive into the woods. Everytime you do so you will be certain to find something you have neverseen before. Follow it up, explore all around it, and before you knw it, you will have something worth thinking about to occupy your mind. All really big discoveries are the result of thoughts.”